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Re: [LUG] Software Freedom Day 2011 and more....


On 03/10/10 19:35, Rob Beard wrote:
On 03/10/10 19:23, Eion MacDonald wrote:

On 03/10/10 16:39, Rob Beard wrote:
On 03/10/10 16:24, Paul Sutton wrote:

Other than that, USB sticks (1GB ones are cheap) on the machines would
be another option and also quicker than running off DVD/CD.

Would council machines be set to boot from USB in BIOS? I would assume
USB boot disabled for safety by councilIT when machines installed. .

Tom has the advantage of working in the council IT department, so he can ask the PC Support team nicely if they can enable it :-)

But yep, you do have a point, it is most probably locked down with a password on the BIOS.


I'm not sure "advantage" is the right word, I suspect if they know that its me they will probably go and lock them down if they are not already.


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