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Re: [LUG] Software Freedom Day 2011 and more....


On 01/10/10 21:05, tom brough wrote:

Paul and I have been checking out the new library facilities in Torbay.
Besides a well sized hall, media room and various other meeting rooms
they also have training facilities room.

We are planning to book the large hall for SFD (17th September 2011). I
am also planning to book the media room for a meeting on the 6th
November 13:30 - 15:30. This will be open to all members who wish to
inspect the facilities and plan for SFD 2011.

I have also talked to Debby Helmore regarding options for conducting
open source awareness sessions. She has asked me to provide a outline of
our plans.

Assuming that they will not want to have anything permanently installed
  on their PC's I was thinking of using a live cd distro for
demonstrations / training sessions (world domination can come later). I
know Ubuntu install disks work as a live distro, but the possibility of
hitting the install button and accidentally damaging their windows
installs would not foster good relations.

So I am thinking that knoppix and gnoppix will suffer from the same
problem (an option to install), so is there a version of knoppix /
gnoppix  (or another live distro) that has the install options removed?

Comments anyone?

I would suggest a custom remastered Ubuntu Live CD. There's a tool called Remastersys which appears to be able to take an image of a machine and create a live CD (or presumably DVD). I've used something similar in the past. Otherwise I believe it is possible to remaster the disc using other tools and remove the installation programs.

Other than that, USB sticks (1GB ones are cheap) on the machines would be another option and also quicker than running off DVD/CD. It would just require the machines to be set to boot from USB (I'm guessing they are fairly new machines, and assuming you're still at the council by the next SFD day I guess speaking to Gareth in PC Support might be a good idea maybe?).


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