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Re: [LUG] CD Inserts for Ubuntu CD's


> Finally bought some Lightscribable DVDRs.  I've burnt the Ubuntu x86
> 32Bit Desktop DVD image to a DVD and Lightscribed the logo (from
> above) onto the topside.  I was pleasantly surprised with the result -
> it could be better, but it's not bad.  I also downloaded and modified
> a potential DVD case insert
> (https://www.thymox.co.uk/Ubuntu_10.04_DVD_Cover-GIMP.xcf).  If anyone
> fancies making a better logo for Lightscribing (maybe including some
> text on a circular path), that'd be great.
> Grant.

Sounds good,  the link doesn't work so I couldn't have a look,  could do
with a few decent cd's for the next few paignton meetings.


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