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Re: [LUG] Kubuntu 10.04 problem ;-(


On 02/05/10 13:00, Grant Sewell wrote:
On Sun, 02 May 2010 12:38:04 +0100
John Hansen wrote:

I am stuck as I seem to have forgotten my password for Kubuntu.
What do I do? Do I delete Kubuntu and load it from scratch with a
new password or is there a simpler solution?
Advice most welcome ;-)

John W
If you have an alternative Linux distro you can boot (install CD?) you

1) Boot from it (preferably in as minimal an environment as possible)
2) Become 'root'
3) Mount your normal system's filesystems somewhere
4) Use 'chroot' to swap your current (CD based) root filesystem for the
one you just mounted
5) Use the 'passwd' tool (as root still) to change the password for
your user
6) Reboot and (hopefully) enjoy


I've also acheived the same by gettinng the grub menu up at boot time 
(IIRC you hold down shift when you boot unless you're running an older 
version of Grub in which case press ESC), then edit the boot line and 
remove the quiet splash option from the line and insert single.  The 
system will then boot into a recovery option (or other distros it might 
boot into a root shell) where you can select a bash shell and run the 
passwd username (where username is your username) to change the password.

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