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Re: [LUG] tomtom on linux


On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:06:49 -0000, tom <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

anyone know if you can use tomtomhome on linux
Tom te tom te tom@home feeling violated!

You can apparently (haven't tried myself) use an older version 1.something in wine but not version 2. version 2 runs fine (fine as in it looks the same as in windows and the few options you are given seem to work ok) in wine but fails to detect the device. Helpfully, it won't let you download anything from their store unless there is a device detected, and won't let you tell it that tomtom is drive x:.

My tomtom attaches as a mass storage class device. I dare say they all do. Apparently tomtom@home will detect an sd card only if it's from an in-car tomtom (it was news to me they did them). It does make me wonder if there is some file you could snaffle from the sd card to put on other tomtoms but that's just speculation.

If you can get hold of the files, you can just copy them across to the correct place and there are a few websites out there that will give you download links and instructions in doing that. Doesn't get you the automatic updates or the tomtomlive services though.

Good luck!

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