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Philip Whateley wrote:
It would be interesting to know whether the predicted anthropogenic 2-3degC rise is in addition to the 5degC we can expect as a result of solar activity, or whether the 2-3deg is the net effect of solar activity, greenhouse gas emissions and particulate emissions reducing solar absorption.
It might be interesting, but I'm not entirely sure it matters. The predicted effects of a 2C rise in average global temperatures are pretty unpleasant. If that happens and the predictions are correct, it's not infeasible that millions of people will die. I'm sure I recall people saying at Copenhagen that a 2C rise is considered inevitable by many climate change scientists. The predicted effects of a 3C rise look very desperate. Many heavily populated areas of the world could become all but uninhabitable. If "global warming" is inevitable then I think the argument over how much of it is anthropogenic or otherwise is only really useful in terms of its contribution to our understanding how we might mitigate or cope with its effects. Much as I think a bit of population thinning might be beneficial (especially if I get to chose :) I don't particularly wish to reach the point where we say "Well, no signficant proportion of it is happening because of us, so we'll just stick our heads in the sand and see who survives". James -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html