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[LUG] Deb file for Ubuntu



I have manually made a deb file for Ubuntu (Give the  boy a pat on the back) (and 
thanks for the advice).  I think it broke all the  rules but having made it on my 
lappy and transferring it to my test machine I could run a train!

Part of my problem is (I think) that most instructions are aimed at compiling from 
C.  Obviously JMRI uses Java.  Though I occasionally compile my own version (when 
asked to by the developers or when I am impatient to get a new feature) I normally 
just download the tarball.

What I did do, and intend doing, is building a directory branch in my home folder, 
and then use comman tools to build when I have it populated correctly.  (ar and tar).

However my first of many questions, could some one give me a pointer to how I get 
items on the Application Menu.  I think I can do it by putting "stuff" in 
/usr/share/applications and /usr/share/application-registry but am not sure if that 
is the "official way". 

Google has not been my friend and I am relying on "The Debian System, Concepts and 
Techniques", Martin F. Kraft.

Thanks in advance


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