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Re: [LUG] OT private parking


Grant Sewell wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:09:48 +0000
Simon Williams wrote:

tom wrote:
There was a white line! People just didn't want to play. There was
no legal route that gave any satisfaction other than putting up
signs and getting a clamp.
Calling the council or the police doesnt get you a car when you
need one or cover you for loss of income. We left before getting to
that point - doing it yourself involved too much effort (credit
car, letting people out at five in the morning) but you can see why
people do get in clamping companies. We were 15 miles from Stansted
and people would leave their cars for two weeks, come back find it
had been towed and then complain - not for long I'm 6'5. I can see
why people hate clampers but there must be some way of dealing with
pathological parkers
Anyone who parks in front of driveways, in disabled spaces, etc
should be clamped or towed. Same for too close to junctions and other
dangerous and stupid places. Frankly they should also get points on
their license.

Only when you are parked somewhere valid for a few minutes too long
are you allowed to hate clampers. If the place you parked was never
valid then you're a selfish git and you deserve everything you get
and more.

<advocate type="devil's">
But who decides what is a "valid" place to park and what is not?  Was
the car parked 15 miles from Stansted actually parked illegally?  If
not, then I'm sure the car owner would argue it was a perfectly valid
place to park for two weeks.
Not when its got a dropped kerb, a white line on it and a set of huge gates with a no parking notice. Much like the pavement and double yellow lines (that's illegal even with hazard warning lights!) It seems to be beyond a lot of people today that simply owning a car does not mean you can leave it where you feel like.
Tom te tom te tom

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