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bas wrote:
There was a white line! People just didn't want to play. There was no legal route that gave any satisfaction other than putting up signs and getting a clamp. Calling the council or the police doesnt get you a car when you need one or cover you for loss of income. We left before getting to that point - doing it yourself involved too much effort (credit car, letting people out at five in the morning) but you can see why people do get in clamping companies. We were 15 miles from Stansted and people would leave their cars for two weeks, come back find it had been towed and then complain - not for long I'm 6'5. I can see why people hate clampers but there must be some way of dealing with pathological parkersPersonally I'd push it out of the way but then I've got a Landrover:-)If I did that I would be liable to any spurious damage claim the owner made up!!!Tom te tom te tom I would call the Police and Council and let them sort it out.how about getting hold of the council to put some white lines in front of your drive (had the same problems myself till the lines were there). Even better, they don't charge for it :)
Tom te tom te tom
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