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Re: [LUG] Giving away copies of Ubuntu & OpenDisc on Freecycle


Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> james kilty wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 11:47 +0100, tombrough@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> I didn't get kicked off as such, but they where not happy with me
>>>> "advertising" the Free Software Day last year. They felt that I wasn't
>>>> giving anything away. I pointed out that we where giving services and free
>>>> CD's, but the moderator was still not happy.
>>> Interesting. I was able to advertise our 2 sessions in Penzance via the
>>> Penzance Freecycle on the grounds that it was a way to hold on to
>>> computers and reuse older ones - hence is well within the spirit of
>>> Freecycle - we did offer to give away copies of the install discs and
>>> even install for people bringing computers along.
>>> Can you makew this case?
>>> Good luck
>>> James
>> Well I've ordered some Ubuntu discs in preparation for the event on 
>> Preston Green which Paul is sorting out.  I'm just thinking that if 
>> we're left over with a whole load of discs then rather than them go to 
>> waste they would be better to go to other people who might be interested 
>> (I've lost count on how many Ubuntu 5.04, 5.10 and 6.06 discs I still 
>> have kicking around here).
>> I do think though that it would be better to give out Ubuntu discs 
>> rather than copies of Microsoft software and I've lost count how many 
>> times people have asked for computer bits or given away computers or 
>> simply asked for computers.  It's a shame we can't set something up so 
>> we can get ex-corporate computers and recycle them (I believe something 
>> like this already happens in Cornwall, I did have a copy of an article 
>> about it in the Western Morning News).  I'd love to do something along 
>> these lines although I wouldn't know where to start in getting funding 
>> for such a project (I'm thinking funding for premises and staff costs).
>> Rob
> There are lots of places where you can get funding for this sort of
> thing, or anything it seems for that matter,
> http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/funding-uk
> is one starting point,
> Paul
> - --
> Paul Sutton
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hi all, a late reply to this question, i put a machine on freecycle 
admittadly old (1100)duron,40gb hd,256ram and installed 9.04.
i had 1 phone call and arranged a pickup day,but the guy did not turn 
up,but did tell me he was going to load xp on it.i suppose this means 
that could happen to any machine put on freecycle.
oh well,happy days ,alex the noob

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