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Re: [LUG] Writing data to a disconnected SATA laptop hard drive


On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:03:16 +0000
Paul Sutton <zleap@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> can't you also use dd to write data to the hdd, and wipe it that way, in 
> addition to a few formats. 

Umm, Paul, the problem is that I have to get power to the hard drive
and connect it to something with a working CPU to run dd so that is not
an option until I find a way of connecting the (what is now clear is
SATA) drive to one of my existing systems.

The laptop itself is completely dead. Maybe it is a simple soldering
job to repair something fried by the suspected power spike but there is
no electrical activity of any kind within the laptop case, only at the
power connector AFAICT.


Neil Williams

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