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Re: [LUG] Antigua bites back!


Tom Potts wrote:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/03/20/blu_ray_drm_circumvented/
> Thats handy as I've yet to see an HD tv screen thats anything like as HD as a 
> lousy computer monitor! Now if they could just make some watchable films.....
> Tom te tom te tom
To me the whole point of Blue Ray is money making the average price £20 
+ for a blue ray  disk,  twice the price of most normal dvd's  so buy 
blue ray and the movie people get more money.

Give it a few years,  the price of blue ray cd's will fall and they  
will then fall over themselves to bring out the next gen,  so they 
profits can be boosted again.

its a shame they can't see that if they want to make piracy a thing of 
the past,  make that which is pirated affordable to everyone.

And living in good ol rip off britain, these cd's cost more anyway.



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