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Re: [LUG] OT: Banning comments - might interest some of you


Adrian Midgley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The law, like the Ritz, is open to everyone.
> Whether the case has any merit and the law provides any relief are other
> matters, and tend to be quite case-specific.
> Website owners would like to have common carrier status, like th post
> office, rather than be publishers.
I think there is a difference between website *owners* and *hosts*.  I 
own my own website and am directly responsible for the content.  The 
host is Easyspace, who would only be directly responsible if they failed 
to act with regard to a complaint.  I don't think it is reasonable to 
expect hosts to pro-actively police the content of every site on their 
servers.  What they *can* do is act to prevent any abuses reported to 
them carrying on.

Kind regards,


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