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[LUG] OT: Banning comments - might interest some of you


A wealthy business man sued one of the biggest online news websites
publisher in Estonia. The idea is to make the website owner
(publisher) responsible for the comments that are posted by the
users/visitors. This cocky bloke, who earned all his fortune by
plundering the government after Estonia became independent, has been
known for his frequently voiced opposition of a bridge that could
bring him out of business. Anyway, I just wondered, has anyone had
problems with user comments on their website? And if yes, what were
the results?

Isn't it the basic human right to say what you want to say (let others
know publicly about your oppinion)? I really like the speakers corner
in London Hyde park and am currently wondering if anyone has been sued
after saying some controversial remarks in the public?

Jaan Jänesmäe

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