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Re: [LUG] OT: Banning comments - might interest some of you


Martijn wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Jaan Jänesmäe wrote:
>> Anyway, I just wondered, has anyone had
>> problems with user comments on their website? And if yes, what were
>> the results?
> My experience is that no matter how serious the subject is and no
> matter how grown up the site's visitors are (supposed to be), when
> they are able to use the (semi-)anonymity of the internet, people are
> going to use abusive language, start childish flame-wars and write
> insults based on nothing. Moderating comments isn't really something
> that gives you a positive picture of mankind.
> As for lawsuits about websites' comments: the problem is that in most
> countries legislation is based on the pre-internet days, when it was
> reasonable to ask publishers to 'moderate' readers' letters before
> they published them in their magazine. Do you think the businessman
> will have any chance of winning though?
> I do think that if you have a website that allows users' comments than
> you should somehow moderate them to help keeping the internet tidy,
> free of spam etc. But it should all happen within reason and yes, that
> does allow for a time window during which abusive/spammy comments are
> online.
> Martijn.
or you cover you back by saying

comments posted are those of users and NOT of the owners of the website 
/ forum.



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