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Re: [LUG] Petition against on-line advertising....


Hi Simon,

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:21:17AM +0000, Simon Waters wrote:
> As for whether it is the prime ministers issue - if it is illegal and
> the Information Commissioner hasn't acted, then it may well be that
> government needs to act.

But no one has shown it to be illegal yet so what is the point of a
petition that says "if this is illegal, shut it down"?  I completely
agree, if it's illegal then don't let them do it, but why do we need
to petition the PM to get an existing law enforced?  Imagine if a
petition were created for every single thing that *might* end up
being illegal.  It's just people reacting in a knee-jerk fashion to
something they don't like the sound of.

I believe like most petitions on that site it is badly written and


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