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Re: [LUG] Petition against on-line advertising....


Andy Smith wrote:
> A lot of people objecting to Phorm already have suppliers that do
> similar.  A good example would be Google.  I assume all those who
> object to Phorm do not use Google Mail, Google Checkout and if they
> use Google Search they delete all cookies etc. afterwards.

I'm with Clare and Eion, I delete cookie every time the browser closes,
the only sensible way unless you want to spend eternity deciding whose
cookies are doing something useful for you.

But is it the same as Google?

Whilst Google will build a profile (and if you use the Google toolbar -
and don't disable it - collect data on everywhere you go).

Google's collection methods are mostly transparent, and I don't believe
they sell the data directly (I could be wrong, but I think they prefer
to sell the adspace themselves). They no doubt collect more data when
you visit sites using their tracking code, but again you can block the
tracking servers, or just not use these sites.

As for whether it is the prime ministers issue - if it is illegal and
the Information Commissioner hasn't acted, then it may well be that
government needs to act.

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