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Re: [LUG] Playing recorded DVDs


> -----Original Message-----
> From: list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of Julian Hall
> Sent: 10 March 2008 14:22
> To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [LUG] Playing recorded DVDs
> Simon Williams wrote:
> > Ray Smith wrote:
> >
> >> It's very possible that the disc needs to be finalized. I had a
> >> similar one recently and had to finalize it in my own dvd recorder
> so
> >> I could use it on the pc.
> >>
> >
> > Surely there is a way of reading an unfinalized DVD?
> >
> >
> IIRC you can *if* you have a DVDRW drive, but Simon said he has a
> multibirner so perhaps not.  Maybe has to be finalised in the same
> machine for some reason.
> Kind regards,
> Julian
> --
> The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
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According to the manual for my DVD recorder DVDR has to be finalised but a
DVDRW shouldn't need to be.
My experience has been that I can read an unfinalised disk from someone
elses machine in my DVD recorder but not any my PC,old dvd player or
combined TV/DVD which usually read anything.
Conversely if I record from freeview to dvd using my happuage wintv under
K3b I can carry on using it in my recorder and back on the PC again. However
(oddly) if I use a disk that has never been formatted before on my recorder
and then put this in the PC I have to finalise it first, although it will
play in my friends dvd recorder.

Perhaps it's to do with the way the disc is initially prepared for recording
on via a domestic DVD recorder as opposed to on a pc dvd recorder ?


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