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Re: [LUG] Home repositories


Tom Potts wrote:
> On Thursday 06 March 2008 11:33, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 11:23:59AM +0000, Tom Potts wrote:
>>> I'm trying to install Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu onto some old PC's to see
>>> what I can squeeze out of them and then let them free to anyone I can
>>> dump them on. I've only got a flaky 512k BB and was wondering if anyone
>>> has tried setting up local repositories?
>> Yup. I have a local copy of dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy and hardy
>> repositories for i386 and AMD64 architectures. Each one clocks up about 17G
>> of space for binary only, about 35G if you want binary and source packages.
>> I use apt-mirror to keep that up to date, which runs overnight each day.
> That sounds promising - I would like to avoid the initial download from 
> (*)ubuntu so I guess I'd have to modify an ISO to look at my local 
> repositories somehow???
> I may setup a 'bring me your virus ridden pc's and I shall set them free' 
> service if I can get to the bottom of it!
> Tom te tom te tom
>> Cheers,
>> Al.

I've love to setup something like this but at 17GB I just haven't got 
the space at the moment.  Might be something I'll look into for a future 
Ubuntu install day.

Is it possible to start mirroring the repositories and then stop them 
and restart them?

What I'm thinking is that I get off-peak bandwidth of 300GB and only 
45GB peak.  I don't really want to use a quarter of my peak bandwidth 
downloading a load of packages.  Either that or could it be setup to 
limit the download speed? (that way I could set something going on a box 
at work over a week running at a slower speed).


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