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Re: [LUG] Home repositories


Tom Potts wrote:
> I'm trying to install Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu onto some old PC's to see what I 
> can squeeze out of them and then let them free to anyone I can dump them on.
> I've only got a flaky 512k BB and was wondering if anyone has tried setting up 
> local repositories?
> The idea being that the local repository can swiftly dump install stuff to the 
> local network, after checking and updating/getting an app if ness from an 
> upstream repository/mirror.
> Sorry if this info is somewhere blindingly obvious on the Ubuntu site but I',m 
> downloading 4 Iso's at the moment and I havent the patience to browse so 
> slowly!
> Tom te tom te tom

I'm sure there's something about this in the latest Linux Format 
magazine (which should be in the shops any time now. IIRC it's issue 104).


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