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Re: [LUG] Booting USB?


If you know the root device number for the usb drive you should be able to hack the grub config file and just change the root device number

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Grant Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Does anyone know a way to get GRUB to pass control over to a USB device
to boot?

My laptop can boot from internal HDD, CD/DVD or network, but not USB.
I have permanently removed the DVD drive as it was knackered.  I have
Ubuntu installed on it's internal HDD, but I also have an external USB
drive.  I would like to be able to boot the external drive on the
laptop, but alas the BIOS doesn't support USB-booting of any nature.

GRUB is a pretty capable system, so I was wondering if any of you have
done this?


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