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Re: [LUG] OT now was Why are there so few women in our LUG - does this indicate there are few female Linux users ?


On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:18:14 +0000
Tom Potts <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Tom,

> Try his works as Iain Banks - they may give you a clue...

Oh thanks!  I've already got a list of books as long as my arm to read,
and now you suggest I read a few more!!   :-)

> The Wasp Factory is an amazing first tome and his whisky road trip
> Raw Spirit is an excellent game played in the living room or in

Well, maybe I'll add just those two, then.

> As Iain M he seems to play with socio-political ideas disguised as
> SciFi. He's almost as 'far left' as you can get and still speak

It's oft been said that sci-fi doesn't deal with the future, but the
now.  Usually, some political or sociological content.  Or both, in the
case of Banks.  Certainly styles have changed over the years,
reflecting the times they were written.  Fr example, in the 50s, it
was all expansionist, galactic domination, and what-not.  In the 60s,
things tended to be written in a more harmonious style.  By the time
the 80s came along we had cyberpunk with it's "me first" attitudes.
You'll appreciate that these are generalisations.

> His work may not appeal to women as much as juvenile minded blokes

At pushing 50, I'd hardly refer to myself as juvenile.   :-)

OTOH, my wife probably would.   :-))

> like me but I like em a lot!

Oh, don't get me wrong, I like his stuff, and eagerly await the release
of "Matter" in paperback sometime this year.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"

I'll be the rubbish you'll be the bin
Love Song - The Damned

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