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Re: [LUG] OT now was Why are there so few women in our LUG - does this indicate there are few female Linux users ?


On 18/01/2008, Brad Rogers <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 16:29:56 +0000
> james kilty <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello james,
> > And the whole Robots and Foundation series, with the ending (and
> > prelude) bringing the two apparently disparate threads together -
> Yes, I've read them all, too (at least, I believe I've read all the
> robot stories).  Plus the Second Foundation series, written by Greg
> Bear, Gregory Benford & David Brin.

God - I hated these - nothing to do with the original universe

> Notice all their surnames begin with a B.  Coincidence?  I think we
> should be told.   :-)
> > stupendous. Would that our politicians were as caring and visionary as
> I found the union to be a bit contrived.  In part, because I suspect
> Asimov had become aware of his own mortality, and was trying to tie up
> "loose ends", as it were, before his demise.
> >  Clarke - brilliant. The City and the Stars still is my favourite.
> "Earthlight" is my favourite (the first of his that I read) closely
> followed by "Lost Worlds of 2001" and "Rama".  "Lost Worlds" isn't
> actually sc-fi, but explains some of the background to 2001, and how
> film constrained the story.  A fascinating insight into the workings of
> Clarke's creative mind.
> --
>  Regards  _
>         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
>        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
> Two sides to every story
> Public Image - Public Image Ltd
> --
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