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Hi, On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 11:34:55AM +0000, Tom Potts wrote: > I don't use credit as such* but I can it can still be upset by these things. A > bad credit mark can prevent my debit card being renewed!! Unaffordable credit can prevent you from having a debit card in the first place. If there was no way to check a person's credit rating fewer people would be trusted with a debit card. Or a bank account. I speak as someone who many years ago lost their bank account due to my own carelessness with my personal finances. I do agree with you that it is rather frustrating that companies decide whether to give bank accounts or debit cards based on credit rating. It is difficult to understand how something with no credit facility (e.g. a bank account with no overdraft facility, and a debit card to go with it) would require it. There is probably a reasonable explanation. Yes you can get limited bank accounts that do not require a credit check, but they tend to be VERY limited, for example they may have no debit card and/or cannot set up direct debits. However, none of that is the fault of the credit scoring agencies. Anyway you need only operate a limited account for 6 months or so before you can start to get out of it again. Within a year of sorting out my aforementioned problems I had 3 credit cards (used sensibly). > What I'm saying is they are providing a service to other people that can > seriously screw MY life up and I have to pay to fix THEIR errors Not their errors - the errors of other users of the service. I think it's pretty rare that the error occurs with Experian or whatever, more usually with the company feeding data to Experian (or whoever). Since they are only recording what a company has told them, think how it would be if those records were not shared. You would never know that some company has made a mistake or that a loan has been fraudulently taken out in your name until the debt collectors contact you! > - or even to find out if thats where the problem might be. I > don't care how 'reasonably priced' it may be its still wrong. For the reasons I've stated, I put it in the "less harm than good" category. Cheers, Andy
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