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[LUG] Credit scoring (was Re: Identity theft (continuing topic))



On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 09:05:02AM +0000, Tom Potts wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 November 2007 08:47, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> > I believe under the Freedom of Information Act, people are allowed to set a
> > reasonable charge for providing the data. In the case of the credit
> > agencies this has been set at £2
> This really ought to be challenged somehow. This is the key part of their 
> business (doing the check) and if it much more complicated than 
> select ..../print/post (ie about 50p) then we are being penalised by the 
> companies incompetence.

It's a free market, anyone who thinks they can run a profitable credit
reporting agency and process access requests at 50p a go can feel
free to try.  Is there such a massive difference between 50p/year
and £2/year?

> What I find disgusting is that these companies make money out of MY 
> information

...that is publically available or that they pay for...

> and expect me to pay to have it checked.

You would rather that you had no opportunity to correct mistakes made
by the companies that feed data to the credit clearing houses then?

> I shouldn't have to subsidise their attempt to save money and
> increase their profits.

You don't have to.  Just don't bother using any form of credit.  But
if you do, you are getting a better deal because the creditor is
more able to tell that you're not going to default.

> Its a bit like those old 'gene' patents

No it isn't.

> Some say £2 isnt much - well give me 50p for everyone in this
> country with a bank account for ...  well nothing , and I'll send
> you a postcard from a nice beach!

Not everyone in this country asks for their credit reports nor uses
credit.  If you or anyone else feels it is easy money you can set up
your own credit scoring service.  I'm really finding it hard to
understand your problem with these companies; they provide a
valuable service to both creditor and debtor and their operating
costs are not zero.

If you want to rail against injustice try any of the number of
abusive creditors who are quite happy to sell credit they know the
debtor can't afford with punishing terms that can leave people
without a home or bank account paying cash weekly on the doorstep
for hire purchase of the clothes on their back.  Look at every
company that says "loan with NO CREDIT CHECK" and observe how seedy
they are.

> Hey I have a car and can use it to make a profit but I don't have
> to have pay for any damage I cause with it??????

Doesn't make sense.  What's your point?


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