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Re: [LUG] Distros??


On 19/10/06, Neil Winchurst <neil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There has been some discussion about which distro to recommend for
people new to Linux. So far the main contender seems to be Ubuntu. So I
have two questions.

1 Why not mention kubuntu as well, or are most people on the lug
devotees of Gnome?

Kubuntu is _exactly the same as Ubuntu_ but has a different desktop metapackage. That is _all_. They are in no way different except for one being KDE and one being GNOME.

As for the @Ubuntu vs. Debian@ question, the truth is that Ubuntu is just a fresh copy of Debian plus six months' development to make it more friendly and polished, at the end of which most of the changes are resubmitted to Debian. So basically, Ubuntu == Debian and we may as well consider them one and the same...

Ben Goodger

Mi admiras religiajn; ili estas fine ebliĝinta solvi la maljunegan demandon "kiel oni povas vivi sencerbe?".
It is well-known that I am blunt and unsophisticated. It's largely your fault if you object to this.
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