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Julian Hall wrote:
It's actually quite nice. I'll post a bit more about it once I've got the network and other bits tidy and give it a mini-review :)
Kind regards,
*puzzled look*
Hi All,
All I really want to know is where to put the line 'alias eth0 nvnet'. The installation guide for the Nvidia driver file says to replace the line that says 'alias eth0 forcedeth' which makes sense, but there are problems with that.
1. I cannot find any file with that line in it.
2. The file other posters on the Xandros forums suggest to edit '/etc/modules.conf' says in big unfriendly letters at the top that it is not recommended to edit it by hand, so I'm left wondering *how* to edit it.
3. '/etc/modules.conf' doesn't contain any line referring to eth0, so would editing it be a waste of time anyway?
4. If I *did* edit the '/etc/modules.conf' file would I be left with a system trying to load both forcedeth *and* nvnet, getting very cross and kicking me in the teeth?
There are a couple of other niggles as well. I'll post to the Xandros forums about them though :)
Kind regards,
I haven't much time/energy at the moment so don't take any of this as the gospel truth. (It'll be a while before I'm totally well again.)
Sorry I can't be more explicit at the moment but it might point you in the right direction when Googling for info.
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