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Re: [LUG] Xandros 3.0 Open Circulation Distro


Grant Sewell wrote:

I would be surprised if they put nVidia's nForce drivers in their OCD... seems most distro makers are keen to avoid other people's closed software. It's not hard to install, though, once you actually have it downloaded.

Hi Grant,

Thanks for the quick reply :)

Pity, after the ease of install with MDK (which did include them as I recall) it's a shame to be nailed to the one distro due to a hardware issue. Having said that, if I can get Xandros (or any other distro) to at least run I may be able to obtain the drivers in Windows (on the same box) and copy the install files over. My main issue with Xandros is that there was no problem at all with the install, so no warning of impending doom, but unlike Mandrake it did not give a final summary of "W X and Y work, but you need to configure Z" where necessary. Also of course having no clue at all why KDE refuses to load.

Yeah, DCOP can be a bit of a pain. I don't think it's actually a *vital* bit of KDE, it's just that applications won't be able to talk to eachother without it. You may find that some KDE applications load really slowly without DCOP... just like they do if you run them from within GNOME.

Fair enough. Any ideas about the read only files? They seem to be at the root of the problem.

Avoiding the fact that we now know that your ISO is for the Alpha architecture, I would very much doubt that your nForce ethernet would work with Debian without having the closed drivers.

Would Debian work if I could get it installed and then obtain the drivers for the mobo? Looking on Nvidia's website they give instructions for using their Unified driver (*pkg.run file) with Suse, Mandrake and RedHat. They also give instructions for what to do for "other distributions", mainly involving manual edit of config files.

Kind regards,


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