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[LUG] Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Dear All,

I thought it only civil to say a proper "Hello",as opposed to skulking 
anonymously,leeching from your clever Linux minds!

My name is Sadie.I tried Mandrake 10 a couple of months ago,and now I am a 
total Linux convert.I don't feel satisfied unless I've downloaded at least 
one ISO per day and am compelled to regularly partition my hdd's to make way 
for more distros.

Of course,I harbour Gentoo aspirations-but at this juncture,I cannot see 
myself managing to compile a 100% error-free kernel.That's not to say I don't 
try,with tiresome persistance.

As a total beginner,at the moment I rate each distro according to the ease of 
the installation routine,and configuration of eth0.Slackware 10,while easy 
enough to install,was devilishly difficult to set up an Internet connection 
upon.Any routines which run so smoothly,there's no excuse not to give them a 
shot,I recommend to all my diehard Redmond consumerist pals..All of whom are 
utterly sick of spyware,diallers,viruses,worms,having their browsers hijacked 
Take Xandros OS 2 Business Edition-almost spooky,isn't it?And 
Linspire.....Those two quash everyones immediate fear of Linux.I'm 33,and I 
had always believed that Linux is strictly for Quantum Physicists.Here I 
am,mailing you from a Linux box.Never thought I'd see the day.

My installation-aspirations have unfortunately been curtailed for the 
forseeable future.Not knowing any better,I purchased a new PC with a hard 
disk in which the number of cylinders is set to 20023.Essentially,this means 
that many distributions are unable to detect the hard disk.Would love any 
suggestions for distros that can.Currently,I'm running SuSE 9.1 and Mandrake 
10.1 (Two out of the three flavours I have found which are able to handle 
this new drive and 64 Bit architecture),while five others are crammed into my 
old AMD Duron.

There is a funny side,however-XP can't "see" the drive either.This 
means,anyone purchasing such a computer has two options:either go beserk and 
demand a refund..or move on up to Linux.

Enough about me.Really glad to have found you all.Look forward to reading all 
your mails.


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