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Re: [LUG] Adding new email users

On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 10:30:50AM +0100, Jeremy Pearson wrote:
Debian3/Exim/UW-IMAP/qpopper/procmail/squirrelmail, and having pretty much
I would use dovecot for imap and pop3.
I would favour maildrop to procmail.
I would also use ilohamail instead of squirrelmail

My question is: when I come to add user accounts for the 150+ mail users, do
I need to create a standard login account for each person, or is there a
neater (and more secure) way? Each user needs only SMTP, POP3 and webmail
access to this machine, and surely not a login account too?
I just don't want the kids trying to SSH in when I'm not looking.
I would probably maintain the accounts with PAM and /etc/passwd if it's
just 150+ people. You give them a false shell, /bin/false so they can't
use SSH. I don't think you should rob students of the pleasure of SSH
access mind. I have not figured out SSL certs on my apache server so I
have had to disable shell from accounts of my users who use webmail.

Ideally you should use LDAP, but I have not had any good experiences
with it. I try not to use things I don't understand.

PS: Regarding interesting locations for future meetings - I'd be happy to
host a meeting over here on the Scillies. There's not a huge amount of Linux
going on over here just yet, but a meet-up/convention might just get the
chattering classes over here interested..
It would be nice to at least visit the Scillies. I've never been. :)
Btw, I will be home @prazefarm.co.uk for the entire month of September. 

Once again you could save yourself doing this manually by just popping
Skolelinux in the CD drive of the server:


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