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Re: [LUG] Excel, OSS alt

frank black wrote:
 I originally thought Excel was one of M$'s only decent apps but after
using it to do more than basic work I'm beginning to worry; if this is
supposed to be the best then what's the worst we've got. 
It was - it got feature bloat.

What alternatives are there out there? 
If Open Office doesn't do what you need, I'm not up on the other free
software spreadsheets, I used Applixware (which has been rebranded since
as www.vistasource.com) at the Met Office which was a very good
spreadsheet. Not sure if it had all the features you mentioned, but
it'll have something as good or better.

Applixware was built on big financial houses a lot of whom ran SUN
workstations, and so it handles "realtime" data feeds nicely, as well as
having sophisticated analysis features.

Haven't played with it for a few years mind. Last time I looked
development seemed to have switched mostly to doing thin client Office
apps, rater than altering the core product.

The ability to interact with mySql,
Oracle sounds interesting too. I'd like to use these really but there's
not enough need to learn that much.
Everything does those two. In most cases it is hid behind a standard
interface - you don't really care what RDBMS you are using for as long
as it is robust and secure.

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