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Re: [LUG] wb: shared whiteboard

Talented as our members are - and they can probably advise on Finnish
interfaces fine. I suggest Tokyo LUG.
language-env does a good job of configuring a linux system for languages
other then english, it also does a pretty good job at configuring
everthing to use an input application if required.

It'd be nice however to use a tablet (getting back to the original
subject) to draw kana (phoenetic script(s)) or kanji(idiograms). The
advantage would mainly be speed. Entering kana using their romanized
versions then searching canna's suggestions for replacement kanji can be
quite time consuming. I think windows has the advantage here; Because it
â??hasâ?? to be usable by non-techies it requires input methods to suite
everyone be it via speech or hand writting. 

It'd be good to be able to search for a kanji meaning and reading as
well though :)

If you are making the meeting I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to learn
more about Japanese as a language.
I'm not a native speaker or in anyway amazingly good at it, but I
wouldn't mind discussing Japanese (or other non-indo-european languages)
in regards to linux. You'd be surprised how good some of the opensource
language education software is now even if the input side of things is
lacking ;). Alas I don't really have the time to come to the meet :(.

Anyways, getting a bit OT; Damn my random thoughts ;)

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