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Re: [LUG] Cheap/Free source of old Sun workstation parts?

keep an eye on


They just had (Tuesday) an auction at Dunkerswell (near Honiton). They usually 
have a few old IBM, Sun and SGI workstations and monitors.

It would be nice to know what happens to all the old hardware from the IT 
Services Dept's at Plymouth & Exeter (I know what happens to all our old Suns 
and SGI systems in Physics - I assure you they get put to good use:)

On Tuesday 19 Aug 2003 8:18 pm, Daniel Palmer wrote:
> Michael Chidley wrote:
> |Have you tried on Ebay?
> yep, very little available and quite expensive; even worse is that a lot
> of it looks like it came from a skip anyway :\ Alas it seems there's a
> big gap between what the stuff is really worth and what people will try
> and sell it to you for.
> /me will have to try and source out the great Sun skip and raid some
> goodies for himself instead :)
> Cheers,
> Daniel Palmer

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