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On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Rick Timmis wrote:
Here's a thing. I had some trouble a while ago, users of the system were creating files with rw-r-r permission and Owner <userid> Group USERS. What was required was rw-rw-r permissions for file created in the shared directory. It transpired that the .bash_profile had a line umask 0000 I hashed this out and made sure that the .bash_rc file contained the line umask 002. Thinking that this was the matter dealt with I left it. Well it's reared its ugly head again. If when using Konqueror I create a new file in the shared directory the new file gets rw-r-r persmission Instead of the permissions set by the users umask setting. on top of this the file is given a creation date of 14 July 2000 ( Scratches head in amazement). Any idea why Konqueror should set rw-r-r permissions with 14 July 2000 creation date, which overrules the under lying bash_profile settings of the user ?? - Further to this it seems Konqeuror creates files with the following creation dates and times Illustrator files - 29-08-2001 10.33 am HTML file - 09-05-2000 12:37 am TXT Files - 14-07-2000 12:19 am Very Weird. Next up Open Office, openoffice creates files with the following rw-rw-r permissions, but instead of assigning Owner <userid> Group USER it assigns the files Owner <userid> Group <userid>, Even though the GID bit is set in the parent directory. thus anyone creating new OO files in the shared directory actually creates them Writeable by themselves only. (Further Confusion ) As stated bash-rc dictates umask 002 which should give rw-rw-r, When I touch a file it creates it with the correct permissions. At this point I put my head in my hands and started compose mail Anyone got any ideas please Thansks Rick
konqueror appears to be overriding umask settings when it creates files because in all likelihood it ISN'T actually creating files - instead it is copying them from templates. Change the permissions on files in /usr/share/templates/.source and all should be well. It would be nice if you could configure konqueror to emulate "normal" file creation and respect umask settings - perhaps someone knows a way ? This is the sort of thing that makes me remain a "Command Line Colin" much of the time - you spend ages learning the rules, then these new desktop environments decide to stamp their own way of doing things over the top of it. Tom. -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.