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Re: [Fwd: Re: [LUG] Find & Replace across multiple files]

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:


What, not up to scratch on the fiddle?

 It runs without errors with *.html   - it just doesn't do

ls *.html | while read file ; do

(unless of course you want the greater power of Perl, python, etc)

sed -e 's/[control-set]*[\/control-set]/[comment]control removed from 
here[\/comment]/g' login.html

A markup-aware parser would do that more reliably.

Which is obviously supposed to only remove the stuff between those tags, not 

Regexps are greedy by default.  Look up the difference between .* and .*?
in anything perl-ish.

I may well have to invest in a copy sometime, although I doubt I'd find time 
to read it at the mo, life's suddenly got too hectic :-(

You'll have more time if you make good use of labour-saving tools:-)

Nick Kew

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