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On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
What, not up to scratch on the fiddle?
It runs without errors with *.html - it just doesn't do
ls *.html | while read file ; do whatever done (unless of course you want the greater power of Perl, python, etc)
sed -e 's/[control-set]*[\/control-set]/[comment]control removed from here[\/comment]/g' login.html
A markup-aware parser would do that more reliably.
Which is obviously supposed to only remove the stuff between those tags, not everything!
Regexps are greedy by default. Look up the difference between .* and .*? in anything perl-ish.
I may well have to invest in a copy sometime, although I doubt I'd find time to read it at the mo, life's suddenly got too hectic :-(
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