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Re: [LUG] Eurpoean Computer Driving Licence and Non-MS Operating Systems

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 07:32, you wrote:

Part of this is that the examiners themselves know nothing else, and the
other that examination centres only run that suite.......

So, we need to ensure that someone who knows more than windows (which is 
probably not a trademark) qualifies as an examiner.

Then we need to establish, or have established, a suite for testing.
I'm willing to put a small amount of work into that.

Are there any significant agencies or firms around whose interests will be 
served by increasing the casual user base for Unix/Linux?
I would think that one of the Cornish councils, which made the sensible 
choice of X-terminals on Unix (Solaris?) would be one, the Met Office perhaps 
another, Hill House Hammond, one of three largest insurance brokers in the 
country with reportedly a Linux-based office system in each of many offices 

There may well be educational establishments with a room with several linux 
boxes in, that could be used on a rental basis, alternatively is there a 
market for a a travelling company that can set up in a place for a couple of 
days and offer training and testing and certification?

There are plenty of us on this list and nearby who have companies and 
relevant experience - but it will only get done if there is economic 
justification.  I think there may be.

Let us identify the orgs and assets, devise a pitch, produce a project plan 
to generate examiner and assets, price it up, and see if it is actually 

From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley 

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