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[LUG] Latest from Eurobell on Broadband

Here is Eurobells reply to my latest letter for information about the state
of play.
Notice that the firsat announcement was last december !

Dear Ray
Thank you for your e-mail.
We recently announced in our December 20/20 magazine, which went to direct
service customers, that we are working on the launch of broadband services
and other Telewest Broadband services.

The first phase of this was the introduction of Talk Unlimited.

The next exciting development is the delivery of Broadband services, which
is an extremely complicated undertaking which has meant huge investment in
upgrading our network and equipment ready to begin the programme of roll
out. It is now our intention and commitment to begin the roll out of
broadband services and products during 2002, with some areas being able to
convert to Broadband TV services from this summer. The present plans will be
for this to initially take in areas around our South West franchise.

We are also working on the delivery plans for South East areas, but at this
stage it is unlikely this will happen during 2002. I must stress this is
only the latest situation as I understand it and as with all such strategies
could change as we move further into 2002.

Included within this will be the introduction of an unmetered Internet
service by adopting the Telewest Broadband Surf Unlimited service. Whilst
this is not the High Speed Internet Service some of our customers are
waiting for it is a vitally important step in maintaining our position as an
ISP and meets the vast majority of requests for this type of service.

Eurobell/Telewest is very appreciative of the patience our customers have
shown and now more than ever we have the commitment and support of one of
the leading Broadband service providers, Telewest Broadband, to help us
bring these exciting new services to our customers. Thank you for remaining
a valued Eurobell /Telewest customer and we look forward to bringing you the
Broadband services you have been waiting for.

If you require further help or technical assistance, please visit
<http://support.eurobell.net> or call on either number listed below.
Tony Kempster
Technical Advisor
Eurobell Telewest Internet
Tel: 01293 405700 / 01392 669966
Fax: 01293 405740
support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Eurobell (Holdings) PLC, Registered in England No 02904215
Registered Office: Eurobell House, Churchill Court, Manor Royal, Crawley,
West Sussex, RH10 9EB
Tel (National): 01293 400444, Tel: (International) +44 1293 400444
Eurobell is part of Telewest Communications plc
This message is subject to and does not create or vary any contractual
relationship between Eurobell (Holdings) PLC, its subsidiaries or
affiliates ("Eurobell") and you.
Internet communications are not secure and therefore Eurobell does not
accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.
Any view or opinions expressed are those of the author.
The message is intended for the addressee only and its contents and any
attached files are strictly confidential. If you have received this message
in error, please telephone the number above.

-----Original Message-----
From: Enquiry Form [SMTP:internet.support@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 16 May 2002 15:01
To: Internet Support
Subject: S.S.E [14:01 - 16-05-2002]

The following enquiry has been sent by a customer using the online form:-

Below are the contact details for the customer:-
Customers Name: Ray Smith
Email Address: raysmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Telephone #: ********>
And here is the customers enquiry:-
As a residential customer I make use of the local rate internet access
provided by telewest/eurobell & keenly anticipated the arrival of
"broadband" coming "soon" when first announced. As time goes by it becomes
more & more evident that this is not going to happen in the near future.
As other telewest customers in other areas are able to enjoy the benefits
of high speed access when will I & other Plymouth customers be able to
enjoy the "soon to be available" products of digital cable & broadband
internet ?
I have recently been tempted by offeres to go back to BT each time being
dissuaded by the promise of "soon" !
To rub more salt into the wound BT offer ISDN/Home Highway services to
residential as well as business customers but from your web site isdn
services of any kind are only available to business customers. Why ? And
will this change ? I do not like ISDN personally. Although I use and
prefer your service I work for an alternative telcoms service (no I'm not
saying which one,work it out ;-) ) & get calls from so many people who
have problems with isdn but even a genuine 64k access with an added pstn1
is better than a dodgy 56k connection that rarely achives that !. It makes
all the letters that drop through my door from your main rival more & more

Are you able to give any indication of a timescale ? Even NTL are now
teaming up with freeserve to provide adsl !
Failing all of that. What is the liklyhood of the introduction of the
fixed rate access fee being introduced any time soon ? Plymouth Eurobell
is already a digital exchange isn't it according to your online map ?

I very much look forward to recieving your replies.

Ray Smith

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