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Suse is fairly well behaved with GFX card changes did a TNT2 to ATI-rage Job on a test system and got X back up with little intervention! did the fine tweaks with Sax2 tho to be quite honest i prefer emacs and editing XF86Config cheeky sods at suse put a message at the top of the file telling you not to change the file!Cheers, I have a few older cards, I can use to replace, when it does die, I just hope X does not complain too much if I change things over, how is suse for plug and play, as Kudzu under redhat seemed to handle new cards nicely, detected new cards and helped me configure, same with other hardware.
----- Original Message ----- From: "lee quick" <leequick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 11:16 PM Subject: Re: [LUG] re LUG Graphics cards
Paul Sutton wrote:when
no sure, the reason I my upgrade (when funds permit) is that sometimes
stillthe machine boots up the screen is full of small horizontal lines, it
liloworks but this just looks dodgy as soon as say the windows or suse /
aboutbootloader appears it' ok, not sure if it's a sign the card is dying. it works great in suse 8 however a few of the games like racer complain
as3d not enabled, but i need to read a few docs, want to get the host not found thing fixed first. but yes if you are interested we can arrange something, also upgrading to faster card will allow games to run better
toeven with 3d accelaration fixed 16mb is small amount of memory for games
not sure when i will be upgrading though, if i remember i will mail you otherwise will just post to the group.
The symptoms you describe above paul are classic Banshee about to die syndrome! I have seen similar with the 12meg pci voodoo2 card's also. The lines appear/disappear and can be coloured blue/purple i experimented with a banshee and it seems the chipset is ok (despite severe heat stress),but it's the ram that suffers. At some point (probably when you least need it) the poor ole card will go into meltdown the lines give way to massive screen corruption which is colourful but bloody annoying. Recommend replacment as soon as poss.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Smith" <raysmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 3:37 PM Subject: [LUG] re LUG Graphics cards
When you upgrade your banshee card Paul what will you do with the old
youused to have an old one and may well be interested in buying it when you decide to get shot of it.
Do banshee cards still work well with xfree 4.2 apart from the problems
mentioned. My ati rage fury pro freezes up and whil I would love some kind of
oncard myself as my motherboard is strangly incompatible.
I sacrifice speed in the name of compatability. (and price range)
-----Original Message----- From: owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Paul Sutton Sent: 15 May 2002 17:18 To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [LUG] graphics cards
What graphics cards in the GEforce range are the group using as I am planning to upgrade my banshee eventually, as It keeps giving me lines
the screen only during boot up though, it does not seem to affect X or Windows at all.
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