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Would this be the shop that used to be in the Armarda centre ? which is now in the car park near the armarda centre ??
That be the shop I shopped from once... Never again! I wanted a small case and PSU, so I went in, and asked them. She said she didn?t have any, but then remembered that a broken computer had been brought in, and on it was a sticker saying 'powers up but nothing happens'... Or something to that effect. So, she said I could rip out the mobo and HDD and all that, and have the case for £20. Bargain eh? Well, I happily remove my letherman wave (every geek should have one - www.thinkgeek - cheapest place I know of), and strip down the case. I happily take the case home, and put my mobo, memory, cpu and hdd in it, press the power button and.... *pffff* smoke! Impressive, looks like the power regulator on the mobo, which 30 minutes before had been working fine, had gone up in smoke. The shop sold me a faulty PSU. And yes, I'm still sulking. That being said, I have had 2 other successful shopping trips to the shop, and the prices are usually good, but, shop with caution! -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.