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[LUG] I hope an interesting question on real-world systems


What is the recipe for getting this to compile and run on my SuSE Linux 7.2 

Alex wrote it over a long period to run his practice in Tulare, I saw it 
running over local phone lines in Fresno, and found it very interesting.  I 
now want to get a copy running locally to make some estimates of how much 
effort would be required to anglicise it, and how many pieces of it could be 
used to add to (for instance VistA-M which is more aimed at hospitals and the 
like) in order to provide Exeter with a medical record system.

Vista is M (MUMPS) and is being or has probably now been ported to run on 
GT-M which is an open source re-implementation of M to run on Linux...
The developers of GT-M from Boston and of some portions of Vista from Seattle 
attended and spoke at OSHCA 2 last year in London and I was impressed.

Much, but not all, of the NHS thinks that giving large amounts of money to 
firms that will lease them solutions written on Windows for a few years is 
the best way to support your healthcare.  I don't.

From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley 

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