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Re: [LUG] Re: suse 7.3?

may I have a copy too please?


peter bunce

----- Original Message -----
From: "lee quick" <leequick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [LUG] Re: suse 7.3?

kj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Do you have a cd writer as i would love a copy of Suse 7.3 pro, i
would post blank CD's and a SAE to you if you would be so kind.

lee quick writes:

Hi guys and gals!
has anyone in the group had a crack at suse 7.3 professional?
managed to install after a couple of reboots but having major snags
nvidia kernel/GLX drivers , both sax2 and yast2 lock when probing the
and manual editing of Xconfig file really makes suse sulk.
whilst im on the subject of yast2 is there anyway of toning down its
hand holding as
it seems to try too hard on my behalf :)  a very windowsy trait if i
ever saw one!


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Only to happy to help send SAE to: 4 Baber Court, St
dominick,saltash,cornwall PL12 6TJ

PS. its 7 ! yes 7 CD's so your gonna need a whole mess of stamps!

Wont take me too long with 24 speed burner! if i can only work out how
to do the dvd on me DVD-ram drive ;)

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