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Re: [LUG] [Student Linux User Group]

Looks like there will be quite a gaggle of us !!!
See you all there

Sorry, i seem to have lost track of this post, only read part of the 
original.. is this a meeting that i am about to meet ?? if so where, when 
etc. can i come, can i show off my new flashy light thing witha pic of tux 
on it ??
Apparently its next friday, 1PM, not this friday. Didnt stop me turning up this week 
though! Ah well.

Talking of tux, Came in from cinema tonight, put on TV, which had E4 on, and there 
was a program "Amsterdam, City of sin" on. They had some guys running a porn 
website, and one of the computers had a massive redhat sticker on it!

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Paul Weaver
Manston Road, Exeter

"The best way to accelerate a windows box is at 9.8 meters per second square."

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