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Re: [LUG] apple boot up problems

> Does anyone know what keys I can press to get into some sort of setup
> program on a apple macintosh qadra 650, or to stop some programs / services
> running on bootup.  Not sure on which version of the operating system it's
> using,
> The computer in question does not seem to be
> getting very far when booting up,  well I think it gets to the desktop
> screen,  then just sits there with the timer (watch) cursor on the screen,
> I decided to have a quick look, but decided to ask for help first.
> I figured being mac it would require a weird combination of key presses or
> something.

firstly - key combinations trying to get this mac to boot. 

zap the PRAM (returns the parameter ram to factory defauts) ALT + APPLE
+ p + r at power on. This will cause the mac to loop through the startup
chime sequence. Hold down these keys for 3 chimes.

Rebuild the desktop - fixes corrupt file system (i think) control + alt
+ apple. keep held down just after the startup chimes untill you get a
message dialogue asking, "do you wish to rebuild the desktop".

startup with extensions off - disables software extensions/services.
shift key. hold down shift key just after chimes untill the MacOS splash
screens appears with "extensions off" text.

i think theres another but i forget...   If you have a CD or floppy you
should try and boot from either of them and run disk first aid, norton,
or something. good luck. :-)

- vern
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