Again we had a mix of things going on, Tom Brough brought Bob along, with more improvements / enhancements from last time. He can walk and was set in guard dog mode, which those of you who attended the last Exeter Jam will know he just sits there until activated by movement detected by the ultrasonic sensor. Most of the enhancements are with the walking mechanism.
Gordon Henderson demonstrated the Fuzebox, with more enhancements to FuzeBASIC, it now integrates with Minecraft and has a host of other features, so any school getting Fuzebox will have lots of great things to do with it. It looks well worth the investment.
Myself and Tom also got Xubuntu 13.10 up and running on a old netbook, not quite pi but the pi jams double up as Linux user group meets so we can still support anyone with Linux related issues (the Pi runs Linux, after all). So that is another Windows box that may well one day not run windows. 🙂 I also demonstrated Toms Helicopter game and gave one of the young people the github details to download it (see link above). There is a screen shot below from a previous pi jam demo.
Thank you to Dan Smith for donating an old laptop I left this running scratch and one of the young people attending spent some time on this.
A big thank you also to the following companies who sent us stickers and to Dan smith for sending out e-mails to get these for the jam.
Thank you also to everyone who attended either as part of running the event or just came along, your support is really appreciated.
Looking forward to the next Jam on 10th May.
The raspberry pi jam is hosted by Torbay Library service and is a family friendly event. The Rpasberry pi is aimed at Children / Young people so if anyone wants to come along and demonstrate a project, learn more, get help with coding or just want some help on getting started please come along.
As always if you need more info I can be found on twitter @zleap14 or my website or on irc as zleap.
For any young people out there, who are already coding, this may be of interest : Young rewired state – festival of code which takes place End of July / Start of August in Plymouth, well the final is in Plymouth which is useful.
If you want to get started with coding then a good place to start is and a go at the exercises or ask your teacher at school about this. You can also goto codeclub and see if your school is running a code club or ask your teacher if the school is doing something similar. Codeclub starts off with scratch.