Today was another excellent pi jam up in Exeter, and well attended, the word is getting out there.
Tom Brough demonstrated the parity bit trick and also had some coloured cones to demonstrate how a bubble sort works, you can try this take about 8 cones of different sizes and put them randomly in a line now sort them one by one so the line goes from biggest to smallest.
I spent some time, with some help working on getting scratch to talk to the pi liter, once done (not too difficult) we spent some time then creating a program that is the same as the chaser type program written in python. This works really well, further enhancements allows the user to interact, chance speed as well as stop / start the routine.
I also had a chat with another user who showed me his chromebook running lubuntu. This was also connected to the Pi with vnc, the performance was excellent.
Ivan was also showing various projects and we had minecraft running on another pi. In the fab lab was the usual beginner work shop where you can learn to light up leds on a bread (project) board using the raspberry Pi GPIO
So in all excellent, Looking forward to next week as it is the Torbay Pi jam from 1 – 3 at Paignton Library, good news is that the 3 sd cards (well micro + adapters) arrived to day so these are all ready for next week, I may look at preparing at least one with Noobs, as this may save time next week.
Thank you to Simon and Exeter library for hosting another pi jam and everyone who attended.