Looks like Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish has been released. Please see link for more info
Category Archives: freedom
National Cyber Security Centre publish Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Security Guide
National Cyber Security Centre publish Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Security Guide.
Last week the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) in the UK issued their latest publication which gives advice on how to configure Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in accordance with their security best practices.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)is the UK government department responsible for providing guidance on Information Security to the UK public and private sectors as well as responding to online security incidents and securing networks.
Copyright directive update
Update on previous posts on the EU Copyright Directive and Link Tax.
Today, MEPs on the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament were asked to decide: Should your freedom to participate on the web be restricted to serve corporate interests – or should alternative measures be adopted that safeguard fundamental rights?
Despite a massive outpouring of protest from voters during these last few days, the majority voted for both the link tax and upload filters:
It looks like our local MEP Clare Moody voted AGAINST THIS, however this does not mean the right is over, we need to keep the pressure up and end this piece of legislation.
Link Tax Day of Action
Next week the European Union’s JURI committee will decide the fate of the Internet in the EU. If the lobbyists for the big publishers have their way, every website will be forced to pay a tax for every link to news content on the web. Added to that, they want to force sites to install "censorship machines" to filter and block uploaded content.1 This will hamper or outright break every site and service based in the EU, which means that the impact will be seen by Internet users all over the world. That’s why the OpenMedia community, along with our partners and other organisations across Europe,2 are making one last urgent push to Save the Link and stop censorship machines. Just 9 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will decide,3 so we’re tweeting them to tell them the choice is clear. Today, June 12, is the day of action across Europe to #SaveYourInternet. If these laws pass, it will be the end of smaller Internet operators in Europe. The automated content-filtering technology the lawmakers are demanding will be hideously expensive, and will not be nearly as accurate as they claim. The link tax is an unprecedented assault on the free and open web: it goes to the heart of what makes the Internet so powerful — the free sharing of information. Even if you’re not directly represented by one of these 9 MEPs, they are deciding on a law that will affect all of us, in Europe and around the world. SEND A MESSAGE TO THESE 9 MEPs NOW: https://savethelink.org/tweet-your-mep-saveyourinternet?src=162696 It doesn’t matter if you’re from a country represented by one of the 9 MEPs or not; we all need to stand together to put a stop to this dangerous and destructive proposal. Send a tweet to an MEP today and tell them to SaveYourInternet. After years of delays and debate, we’re at the critical point now. We can’t let up. Too much depends on this. Let’s take over the Internet today and make it a day the deciding MEPs can never forget. Yours for the open web, Dave, for the team at OpenMedia P.S A tweet will take just a minute or two of your time, but will reach the people making this crucial decision. Send a tweet today. If you don’t use Twitter, you can email the MEPs here too: https://savethelink.org/tweet-your-mep-saveyourinternet?src=162696 Footnotes 1. Article 13 could "destroy the internet as we know it": What is it, why is it controversial and what will it mean for memes? http://www.alphr.com/politics/1009470/article-13-EU-what-is-it-copyright 2. Save Your Internet. https://saveyourinternet.eu/ 3. Copyright JURI MEPs undecided. https://edri.org/files/Copyright_JURI_MEPs_undecided.pdf
Fallout 4 and Manjaro Linux
Fallout 4 and Manjaro Linux
Latest video from Bob’s Distros on Youtube, Fallout 4 on Manjaro Linux. Not played this but I know it is very popular and gaming is a big barrier to the take up of desktop Linux.
Activity Pub now a standard
News from the Free Software foundation is that ActivityPub is now a web standard thanks to the W3C. If you are not sure what this is please check out the link below:-
Free Software Promotion
For the November Tech Jam I should have some resources available for promoting both free software and e-mail self defence.
These were obtained from the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)