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Re: [LUG] Raspberry Pi for the boy's 8th birthday!


On 30/06/2022 08:53, John PNZ wrote:
On a point of information relating to the first post:

2. Videos.
  - bbc i-player (i have read there could some issues getting this working?)
  - you tube (should "just work" in a browser?)

Unless something recent has happened that I've not noticed, the linux
(not specifically pi) issue with browsers playing TV on demand or
YouTube (or Photobox, much to my annoyance) related to an
unmitigatedly catastrophic piece of bloated intrusive commercial
software from Adobe called Flashplayer, which for a long while
suppressed any alternative format from being offered on those sites.
That problem evaporated when HTML5 was adopted by the content hosting
sites. Flashplayer was withdrawn from the market, everything started
working, no remaining problem.

There's been lots of work going on to support properly the Hardware Acceleration provided by the Broadcom GPU core in the Linux graphics driver-space (Mesa, OpenGL, etc) and the GPU is definitely designed with MPEG4/etc built-in, it's just getting the appropriate API calls/drivers/firmware going from the Broadcom side...

Granted, this has definitely been one of the stalling points of the Pi-in-Linux userspace issues, but since it's been a hot topic for users, and the Pi Foundation itself, it has gained traction in recent years, and you can see Kernel DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) support being merged in upstream, and various other projects as time has gone on. Mostly this is optimised in the Raspberry-Pi-OS naturally, however I believe you can go "off-piste" and get other bits and pieces working if you know what you're doing (alas, I'm not quite up-to-speed myself, I just track a few upstream projects and the Phoronix news feed).

Flash is hopefully dead and gone - it was always awful, and a terrible 'bodge' around the issue of embedded video on websites...

As far as blocking ads are concerned, there are LOTS of tools in the Linux space for this - including one "pi-hole" project .. :D That said, I'm still looking for a good solution for embedded Twitch ads .. the YouTube blocking is reasonably--well covered by browser plugins ..

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