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[LUG] consumer non-SMR 2.5" hard drives


Has anyone got or know of a good source for finding non-SMR drives for "ordinary" people at "ordinary" prices?

I'm more used to buying high end NAS or enterprise drives by the boat load but I need to source some boring old 2.5" USB HDDs - the sort of thing you used to be able to just pick a random one off Amazon or wherever and not worry about it being a broken piece of crap out of the box.

1Tb and 2Tb models - the exact thing that basically all normal home users need lying around to backup their laptops - are as far as I can tell now literally impossible to buy without getting SMR units. These are of course unsuitable for anything but are especially unsuitable for the sustained writes of large backup passes.

Anandtech and other sites have lots and lots of completely useless guides to buying non-SMR drives and I have had absolutely zero success trying to find a definitive list of "normal" units anywhere. Obviously buying expensive 3.5" Pro NAS drives of 8Tb+ capacity will get me out of crappy SMR drives but I don't need stupid Anandtech to tell me that and neither does anybody else: it's exactly the cheap boring consumer units that sell millions of units that need a buyers guide.

I'd very happily settle for just a single known-good model of barebones non-SMR 2.5" HDD 1 or 2Tb capacity and source the caddy myself. Otherwise I'm not really seeing much of an option except moving even boring backup drives to SSD by default. What a disaster. I'll never forgive the hard drive manufacturers for this entirely self-inflicted submarining of SMR drives into supply chain...


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