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Re: [LUG] Printer - again


On 21/11/2020 13:38, Neil wrote:
On 21/11/2020 13:26, Eion MacDonald wrote:
On 21/11/2020 13:08, Neil wrote:
Do modern printer manufacturers expect everyone to have a smart phone?

Not if it is for 'commercial Use'

Usually only if it is a 'consumer range machine' , But many makers allow
set up via downloaded software from their site.s.

I always research how to set up before buying a printer .
Printers mostly easy, scanners more problems.
(PS 'buying' means helping others to setup their machines)

I see. It did not occur to me that any of this would be needed. I have not checked, so maybe HP will let you set it up via a web site. Still, I seem to be getting sorted now.

And the HP Smart app does seem very useful. I bought that phone just in time. So got it right, makes a change,


I am not a fan of 'the Cloud', in this case cloud printing, for two reasons;

1. What are you supposed to do when your Internet connection is down, be that internal network issue or ISP?

2. I will not upload my documents to a third party for /any/ reason, certainly not just because 'they want them' which as far as I can see is the only reason to upload  file for printing.


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― Thomas Henry Huxley

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