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Re: [LUG] PCIe Firewire cards - any suggestions?


Dear Mark,

> Just a point of (maybe) interest - I invented PCIe...

Thank you: you did a mighty good job! :) I'm pleased to be able to
announce that the PCIe Firewire card did indeed work as intended, 'plug
and play'. In addition it came with an extra cable, at least from who I
bought it from.

Here's are the lines from lspci:

01:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 [Fire II(M)] IEEE 
1394 OHCI Controller (rev 46)
04:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 [Fire II(M)] IEEE 
1394 OHCI Controller (rev 80)

Since I have both cards in the PC to test them, I don't know which is
which! Nonetheless, I hope it will be useful to others to know that both
of these cards work brilliantly.

In fact it was just before you wrote here, Mark, that I was salvaging
('cannibalising'!) parts from a few old PCs in order to create a better
PC for my sister (whose previous one went bang in spectacular form,
apparently); it occurred to me how 1: expansion cards are such a
critical part in making PCs as useful as they are, and 2: how easy PCIe
makes that process of expansion.

Of course that doesn't necessarily preclude the fact that I was able to
coerce a PCI card into a PCIe-x16 socket, but neither my PC or the card
released any amount of 'magic smoke'. Thus am I also indebted to your
team for the foresight of making such hardware resilient to user error!

> Well, I was part of the team of 6 from different companies (HP, Compaq,
> Lucent, Dell, Intel, etc.) on the PCI-SIG when we developed the idea.
> I played in the Phy and Link layers with the SERDES, Scrambler and
> encoding (yes, I did push for 8b/10b back then!) as our (Lucent's)
> SERDES was the market leader.

Your mention of such technologies led me down a lovely rabbit hole about
SERDES, courtesy of Wikipedia. I do hope to be able to pursue this topic
when I am less bound by exam revision - it is a fascinating subject for

> Also, at that time, the companies got the patent recognition (and
> cash!), and all I got was a lousy certificate which was destroyed when
> my baby son puked on it the following week. So all I really have is an
> old EE Times article with our photo in.

And you now have a venerating mention on the publicly accessible
archives of an internet mailing list!

Best wishes from Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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